Team of “Ortho-SUV” Ltd. is developer and co-developer of the following innovations, orthopedic devices and technologies:
Software-based “Ortho-SUV” Frame
General information
OSF-Main Advantages
OSF-User Manual
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Ortho-SUV Frame belongs to new generation of external fixation devices, which work is based on computer navigation. Use of Ortho-SUV Frame allows to make correction of the deformity of any complicity mathematically accurate and in one step (without change of the hinges), as well as to make precise fracture reduction. The frame is supplied by easy-to-learn and easy to use software.
The indications for Ortho-SUV use are:
- Diaphyseal and metadiaphyseal long bone deformities of any complicity.
- Complex deformities of mid-foot and hindfoot.
- Rigid contractures and and old dislocations and subluxations of the knee, elbow, wrist and ankle joints.
- Diaphyseal and metadiaphyseal long bone fractures.
Extracortical Clamp Device Ortho-SUV
General information
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Extracortical Clamp Device Ortho-SUV(ECD) - an original device that allows to fix the bone fragment to the support ExFix frame without necessity to perforate the bone cortex and the medullary cavity. Indications for use of ECD are:
- Presence in the medullary cavity of a massive foreign body (spacer, intramedullary nail), is also used in the “Lengthening over the nail-LON” and “Bone transport over the nail” techniques.
- Periprosthetic deformities.
- The presence of infection in the medullary cavity.
- Periprosthetic fractures of the femur corresponding to the types B1 and C Vancouver classification.
Method of Unified Designation of External Fixation (MUDEF)
The use of MUDEF will provide you with the following possibilities:
- To study the method of external fixation quickly and effectively;
- To briefly and informatively document the operations of external fixation using any frame;
- To decrease the danger of complications in external fixation;
- To increase the accuracy of information in correspondence consultations and teleconsultations, overcome language barrier;
- To concretize the description of local examination;
- To improve and unify researches in field of external fixation
The capabilities of MUDEF are not limited by this. MUDEF is maximal volume of objective detailed information to have minimum number of used symbols. To download
Atlas for Insertion of Transosseous Elements “Reference Positions”
The features of the Atlas are:
- Convenient coordinates system, which provides easy identification of “Forbidden positions”, “Safe positions” and “Reference positions”.
- Opportunity of reasonable choice between wire and half-pin.
- Designation of classical meridians and acupuncture points.
- Opportunity to use it at choosing the place and direction of safe conduction of osteotome to bone, drainage placement as well as in regional anesthesia.
“Reference positions” (RP) – it is the innovation of the Atlas developers. Use of RP allows excluding damage of main vessels and nerves, decreasing the danger of transfixion joint stiffness and infection complications. Atlas can be used in external fixation with the help of any of known frames. To download
Method for RigidityTesting of External Fixation Assemblies
The authors considered the absence of standard method of external fixation rigidity testing as restriction for optimal assemblies determination in concrete clinical cases. The method is developed for experimental determination of the fixation rigidity indexes in models of extraarticular monolocal fractures fixed by any external fixator. The method includes an algorithm of standard actions and calculations to determine the basic rigidity characteristics of the external fixation device. The ability to replicate the experiment and to verify the research data is ensured by the use of the “Method for the Unified Designation of External Fixation” and by applying standard displacing forces and standard processing to determine the external fixation rigidity index. To download
Identification of Reference Lines and Angles
There are the schemes of reference lines and angles (anatomical, mechanical axes, joint lines; anatomical and mechanical angles) and their mutual relationships for long bones of upper and lower extremities. The schemes are made on the base of literature data and results of own investigations. The developed schemes are aimed for planning of osteosynthesis surgeries, long bones deformity correction and reconstruction procedures. Described the sequence of reference lines building, shown the examples of deformity correction surgeries planning. To download
Classification of long bone deformities
Convenient for practical use classification of long bone deformities is presented. Depending on quantity of planes and components deformities are divided into simple, complex and deformities of middle complicity. Classification provides the proved choice in deformity correction between application of Ilizarov device and software-based hexapods, working on the base of computer navigation (Ortho-SUV Frame) To download
Recommendations for the Patients
If you are bored with frequent explanations about external fixation, its advantages as well as what external frame consists of, how grows the bone, to choose the crutches and perfectly use them (stick, walkers), to make foot support, to make dressing change properly … give this booklet to your patient. And he will thank you and also you will spare a little time for yourself! To download